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Summer Vows Page 11

  He and Brian had gone through basic training together at Parris Island, South Carolina, and although Jacob trusted the security expert, the trust did not extend to making him aware that Ana Cole was living with him—albeit temporarily.

  Baron began barking as soon Jacob cut off the engine. Brian came out of the house at the same time Jacob pushed a button to open the hatch. “Yes, boy, you’re home.”

  Standing six-six and weighing close to two hundred and sixty pounds, Brian hoisted the crate with the large dog with the ease of lifting a newborn. Jacob winced when he noticed the summer sun had burned his friend’s nose and arms. Seeing the sunburn reminded him to pick up sunblock for Ana.

  Opening the crate, Brian hugged the shepherd when he bounded out, standing on his hind legs. “Welcome home, buddy.”

  Jacob watched man and dog become reacquainted, smiling. Twice-married, the ex-marine captain turned security specialist had professed he always got along better with animals than he did women, and it was apparent when seeing him with his pet.

  Waiting until Baron trotted off and disappeared inside the house, Jacob extended his hand. “What did you catch?”

  Brian’s hamlike hand closed over Jacob’s in a bone-crushing handshake. “A few yellowtail snapper, blue marlin and a mess of porgies. Come on in the house and take what you want.”

  “I’m going to pass on the fish. I just loaded up my freezer and I also plan to do some deep-sea fishing in another couple of weeks.”

  “Still, come on in and rest up before you head back.”

  Jacob shook his head as he stared at the behemoth of a man with the sandy-brown military-style crew cut and laughing brown eyes the color of copper pennies. Brian liked dressing up as Santa for the children whose parents were deployed, and anyone familiar with the former marine corps captain knew his benign appearance was merely a foil for a man trained in mixed martial arts.

  “I’d love to but I have plans to visit my aunt and uncle in Key West.” It was a half truth, because he and Ana weren’t scheduled to leave until the next day. “Maybe next time, my friend.”

  “That’s not going to be for a while. I have a client who’s taking his wife to Mexico City next week to visit her relatives. They plan to be down there for six weeks. I’m also taking a couple of guys with me because of home invasions and the rash of kidnappings going on down there. You know, if you ever get tired of pushing paper, then let me know and I’ll put you on the payroll, Jake. You can make more in three months than Uncle Sam pays you in a year.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve grown to like pushing paper. It’s much safer than tracking down fugitives or protecting rich folks.”

  Running a hand over the stubble on his chin, Brian gave Jacob a long, penetrating stare. “You have changed, haven’t you?”

  Jacob thought about Brian’s query, wondering if he had changed. And if he did, then how much? And was the change good or bad? “I guess I have,” he said after a noticeable pause.

  “But it’s all good, Jake. One of these days maybe I’ll stop chasing the next rush.”

  It wasn’t until he was back in his truck heading toward the Keys that Jacob thought about what Brian said about looking for a rush. He supposed the man was right because after graduating college he wasn’t certain where he was going or what he wanted to be despite majoring in criminal justice. He’d always planned to join the Miami-Dade P.D., but with the elder Jones’s murder Jacob knew he would not follow in his father’s footsteps. After six months of floundering he decided joining the military would best suit his temperament.

  He’d gotten up one morning, walked into the marine corps recruiting office and signed up. He went through basic training, giving the corps six years. Once discharged he was recruited to join the U.S. Marshal Service. Jacob had become what he’d tried to elude—a police officer. What he soon discovered was that he loved law enforcement: tracking down fugitives, stakeouts, and the ultimate gratification of capturing, cuffing and reading dangerous criminals their Miranda rights.

  One thing he knew: he was good at what he’d been trained to do. So good that he was promoted and rose quickly through the ranks. Being assigned a desk position was an answer to his mother’s prayers. Gloria’s greatest fear was that his life would mirror her husband’s; that he would die in the line of duty.

  Jacob stopped at his apartment, and while there adjusted the central air-conditioning. Jacob had asked his landlady to periodically check on his place, and apparently she’d lowered the temperature until it was bone-chillingly cold.

  “Oh, Mr. Jones, you’re back.”

  Jacob turned to find his landlady standing in the doorway. The middle-aged woman with a boyish-cut hairstyle nervously touched the keys hanging from a large ring.

  “I’m not really back, Mrs. Stokes. I had some business nearby, but I’m leaving now.”

  Imogene Stokes smiled at Jacob. “I’ve been checking on your place like you asked.”

  “And I thank you for that.”

  “Do you want me to get someone to come in and dust? I know you like everything nice and clean,” she added when he glared at her.

  “I’d rather you not.” Mrs. Stokes knew he was adamant about not letting strangers into his apartment, so he wasn’t certain why she would ask him that. “Other than you and your husband, I don’t want anyone else in my place. Am I clear about that?”

  Pinpoints of color dotted the older woman’s cheeks. “Of course, Mr. Jones. I would never let someone in your apartment without your permission.”

  A smile had replaced his scowl. “As long as we understand each other.”

  Imogene knew her best tenant worked for the Department of Justice, he paid his rent on time, came and went without much notice, and whenever he had company they never made a lot of noise like some of the other tenants. She knew he carried a gun and that was the reason why she’d rented him the apartment. Having someone around who was authorized to carry a firearm made her feel safer, and knew she could call on him for assistance in the event of an emergency.

  “Have a good day, Mr. Jones.”

  “The same to you, Mrs. Stokes.”

  Waiting until the woman left and closing the door behind her, Jacob pulled out his cell phone, tapped speed dial and waited for a break in the connection. He’d dialed Diego’s private number.

  “Good afternoon, ColeDiz International. Mr. Cole-Thomas’s office.”

  “Caitlin, this is Jacob. Is Diego available?”

  “Hold on, Jacob. He said to put you through whenever you call.”

  He counted off the minutes until Diego’s voice came through the earpiece. “Hey, Jake. What’s up?”

  “That’s what I want to know. Has anything changed?”

  “There’s been no further info on the shooter.”

  “Any leads on who’s behind it?” Jacob asked.

  “Not yet, but contact has been made with one of Irvine’s employees. Let’s hope it provides a lead. How’s Ana?”

  “She’s adjusting.”

  “I hope she’s not being too difficult,” Diego said with laughter in his voice.

  It was Jacob’s turn to laugh. “She’s fine, Diego.”

  “That’s a first.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ana’s the type that if you ask her to slow down, she’ll speed up. If you tell her to go right, she’ll go left. I suppose that’s what makes her successful; she always pushes herself to the next level. I’d tried to get her to work for ColeDiz but she’s too obsessed with the music industry.”

  Jacob didn’t want to take sides only because he wouldn’t have wanted anyone to determine the direction his life would take. Although his mother had always voiced her disapproval of him going into law enforcement he’d followed what he thought was his destiny. His paternal grandfather had been in the first graduating class to integrate the Miami-Dade P.D. His father had followed and his uncle had joined the DEA, and there cousins who worked for ATF, the FBI and other po
lice departments in cities throughout the country.

  Apparently it was the same with Ana. She’d made a decision to go into the music industry instead of working for ColeDiz. He admired her independence, her tenacity and that she’d retained her femininity despite the responsibility of running a company.

  “What you should want is for Ana to be happy and content doing what she does best.”

  There was thirty seconds of silence before Diego said, “You’re right, Jake.” He launched into an update on what was going on with Serenity Records.

  Jacob digested this new information. “Call me if anything else changes.”

  “I will,” Diego confirmed.

  He ended the call, pondering his response to his houseguest’s cousin. Why, he thought, was he defending Ana when she was more than capable of standing up for herself? After all, she was neither afraid nor reticent when it came to speaking her mind. That’s what he liked about her. It wasn’t all he liked about her, but it was what he’d permitted himself to acknowledge.

  Sitting together sipping café con leche was acceptable. Taking her to his bed wasn’t, although nothing had happened between them. Even after she’d gone upstairs to her own bed the scent of her perfume lingered on the sheet and pillows, and it was as if she were still there.

  Jacob knew he had to be very careful not to cross the line with Ana. Diego had asked him to protect her, not take advantage of her. He’d also taunted and insulted Ana when he’d talked about needing female company. Something he’d regretted mentioning because that wasn’t his style. Leaving her alone in Long Key wasn’t something he would’ve done under a different set of circumstances, yet he hadn’t wanted Brian to know she was living with him. He locked up the apartment, planning to make one more stop before heading back.

  * * *

  Ana put aside the book she’d been reading when she detected the sound of a car’s engine. Moving quickly, she raced up the staircase to her bedroom. Her heart was beating double-time when the bedroom door opened slowly. Never had she been so relieved to see Jacob when he walked into the room.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  She blew out her breath. “Nothing?”

  He closed the distance between them, folding his body down on the bed beside her. “Why do you look as if you’ve just seen a ghost?”

  Ana’s eyelids fluttered wildly. “I heard a car and I decided to hide out—”

  Jacob splayed his hand on her back. “No one’s coming here unless they’re invited.”

  Tilting her chin, she gave him a wide-eyed stare. “What about your neighbors?”

  “They never visit because they believe I’m a grouch.”

  She smiled for the first time, bringing his gaze to linger on her mouth. “Are you?”

  Jacob returned her smile with one of his own. “Yes. I go out of my way to perpetuate that because I don’t want them in my business.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I didn’t want to leave you alone but I also didn’t want my friend to know you were here. Even though I trust him I couldn’t take the risk he’d inadvertently mention he’d met you. Now with the shooting you’ve become even more of a celebrity.”

  “I’m not a celebrity.”

  “You’re a public figure, Princess.”

  “Unfortunately that has become a curse.”

  He massaged her back in a comforting gesture. “Don’t let this get you down. The maggot that shot Tyler will be apprehended.”

  Ana relished the comforting warmth and strength in Jacob’s body when he wrapped his arms around her body. “I hope you’re right.”

  “Look at me, baby,” he crooned. Waiting until she raised her chin, Jacob pressed a kiss to Ana’s forehead. Angling his head, he brushed his mouth over hers. “I’m not trying to minimize what you’re going through, but I believe the police are going to catch this creep because he’s going to make a mistake. Either he’ll try it again or the police will discover something they’ve overlooked.” Easing back, Jacob felt as if he were drowning in pools of gold. However, he hadn’t missed the puffiness around Ana’s eyes or the faint dark circles that hadn’t been there before.

  “Do you trust me to keep you safe?”

  A sweep of lashes brushed the tops of Ana’s cheekbones when she lowered her gaze. “I think so.”

  “You can’t think, Ana. You have to believe it.”

  She looked up at him and the sweep hand on his watch made a full revolution before she said, “I believe you.”

  “Good. Now, I want you to come downstairs with me to see what I bought you.”

  Ana followed Jacob, secretly wanting to trust and believe him. If she’d had a choice she would’ve remained cloistered in her parents’ home. Her father could’ve hired a small army to protect the property, monitoring everyone coming and going. At least she would be with her loved ones. She even would’ve been able to conduct business from what had been her father’s home/office.

  The men in her family had gotten together to dictate her future for however long it would take to catch the shooter. Had they not realized that at thirty-three years of age she was more than capable of deciding her fate, and if she’d known what they were up to she would’ve fled Florida for Virginia. Living on a horse farm with Nicholas was preferable to living with a stranger—a stranger whose presence was a constant reminder of what she’d denied—that she was a normal woman with normal urges. She was no different than Jacob who’d admitted to her that he was a normal man with normal urges.

  Jacob handed her a decorative shopping bag, watching her reaction when she recognized the contents. “Wigs! And sunblock.”

  “I bought three of them because I didn’t know which one you’d want to wear.”

  Ana held up an auburn wig with gold highlights. “I’ve always wanted to be a redhead.” She walked toward the half bath off the kitchen. “Come with me and let me know which one you like best.” She put on the stocking cap, then the wig, staring at her reflection in the mirror over the vanity. Her eyes met Jacob’s in the mirror. “What do you think?”

  Moving closer, he rested his hands on her shoulders. The wig overpowered her small face. “The bangs are too long.”

  She took off the wig, handing it to him, then shook out another. This one was platinum blond. “I’ve never wanted to be a blonde.”

  Jacob winked at her. “What’s the expression that blondes have more fun?”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been one.” Ana slipped it on and stared at her reflection, somewhat stunned how much it’d changed her appearance. “I look like Tinker Bell.” The pixie style was similar to her haircut.

  “You look cute.”

  Turning, Ana met Jacob’s eyes. “You really like it?”

  He nodded. “It brings out the gold in your complexion.”

  “Let me try on the last one, then we’ll make a decision.” The final wig was sandy-brown, curly and framed her face as if it were her natural hair. “This is more like it. It doesn’t even weigh as much as the other two.”

  Jacob turned Ana around to face him. She was right. The wig was the perfect fit for her tiny face. The corkscrew curls moved whenever she turned her head, as if they’d taken on a life of their own. Anchoring his hands under her shoulders he picked her up, swinging her around in the confined space.

  “Please put me down, Jacob.”

  He lifted her higher. “Not yet.” Eyes narrowing, he examined her face more closely than before. “Have you been crying?”

  Ana tightened her hold around his neck. “No. Why?”

  “Your eyes look puffy.”

  She wanted to ask Jacob if there was anything he didn’t notice. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

  He set her on her feet, eyebrows lifting questioningly. “Is there something wrong with the bed?”

  “No, the bed is fine.” Ana decided it was better to tell him the truth because she’d discovered he had a mind like a steel trap. One lie would have to be covered by another and the
n another. “I did a lot of dreaming.”

  “Were they dreams or nightmares, Princess?”

  Reaching up, she pulled off the wig and cap in one motion. “Both.”

  Jacob took her free hand and led her out of the bath and into the kitchen. “I’m not going to profess that I know what you’re going through. And I don’t want to minimize your situation, but I don’t want you to beat up on yourself about something over which you have no control. You’re safe and Tyler is getting better. I spoke to Diego and he said there’s no word on the shooter, but he’s optimistic they’ll come up with something.”

  Ana’s eyelids fluttered wildly. “What about Jason?”

  “What about him?”

  “Why wouldn’t someone go after him? After all, he’s also Serenity Records.”

  Cradling her face between his hands, Jacob pressed a light kiss on her soft, parted lips. “Jason has decided to close down the office for a month. He gave everyone four weeks’ paid vacation.”

  Ana went completely still. “That’s crazy! How can he shut down the company?”

  “Easy, Princess,” Jacob crooned. “All decision-making personnel are using video conferencing to connect with one another. Jason is using the studio at your parents’ home to work with performers, so there’s no lag time in getting their albums completed.”

  “But...why close the offices?” she stammered.

  Pulling her closer, Jacob buried his face between her neck and shoulder. “Jason has contacted a real estate agent to look for a free-standing building closer to a residential neighborhood.”

  “Will it be in Boca?”

  “I don’t know. He also plans to wire it with a highly sophisticated security system. It’s easier to monitor a single structure than a high-rise office building. All employees will have to swipe in and out, and all visitors—and that includes deliveries from shipping companies—will be on surveillance tape.”

  Ana exhaled an audible sigh. “It seems as if I’ve underestimated my brother.”

  “What makes you think he wouldn’t be able to step up to the plate, Ana?”

  Her smile faltered, she pulled back, staring up at Jacob. “Jason has always been about music. This is not to say he’s totally ignorant when it comes to business, but he always seems so bored whenever we talk business. But he was quick to remind me that he does have an MBA.”